“If I could rewind time I wouldn’t have it any other way”
In 2006 I was diagnosed with testicular cancer. The prognosis was pretty bleak, “Remove the tumour, otherwise within a fortnight it will spread to the brain and kill you!” These were the stern instructions of my then oncologist.
I decided to defy the oncologist, opting instead to treat the cancer holistically. My decision was based mostly on the fact that no markers were found in my blood. I returned two years later to have my testicle removed only because it had grown to an uncomfortable size. In my defiance I also declined postoperative chemo and radiotherapy. With the tumour removed, alongside the absence of markers I rode off into the sunset without a care in the world. On reflection I should have at least agreed to be monitored for a period, but hey, I was living in the moment and reinforcing my (sometimes) defiant nature. Eleven years pass without a whisper, then the cancer returned! The second bout was more aggressive, resulting in the removal of my left ureter and kidney.
Thankful to say that I am now in rude health. Regular check-up’s coupled with a first class oncologist – minus the chemotherapy, has provided me with the confidence to embrace life. I have no regrets only experience, after all my journey has presented me with the opportunity to be of service to others. Life is about being present, recognising the value in everything you do. Coaching has given me a platform to help people realise their true and best version of themselves.