What is anxiety? I can define fear in a heart beat but anxiety is a little more concentrated.
A friend once told me, “There are levels to this state and believe me it runs deep,” at the time I didn’t really consider the bearing of his statement but over the past 12 months I’ve witnessed, ‘The Age of Anxiety’ take centre stage.
How are you feeling about your business right now? If you are an employee what do you think 2021 has in store for you? Planning for the future is a given but the current climate may have just ‘curbed your enthusiasm’ ever so slightly!
Financial issues are one of the most detectable causes of anxiety so no longer having that career or job security will harvest all of those debilitating emotions. Couple that with working longer days from home (sometimes alone) in excess of 14 hours+, all this is a form of calamity.
Two of the most common coping strategies are talking to friends and walking. Can I suggest when talking to friends be constructive, yes voice your concerns but try to stimulate ideas, solutions, work with them to create a healthier mindset.
Walking – personally I love walking. To the extent that I load 10 litres of water in a rucksack and walk for two hours, it’s called rucking. I guess we can go into that with another blog….. Anyhow, walking is the perfect circuit breaker but remember the idea is to reset so try to avoid checking and responding to emails. Listen to a podcast instead, preferably one that isn’t work related. Music is always a good leveller, take a pew and watch the world go bye. People watching is an interesting pastime.
Comfort eating is a habit that sits snuggly in the wings, waiting for that four – six- week milestone when you look in the mirror and say WTF!! Fortunately, there is an abundance of nutritional advice available and for the most part also applicable. I personally start my day with fruit, I also drink plenty of water and avoid eating my evening meal after 8pm. Find what works for you, ultimately if the food you consume doesn’t create the mental/physical energy you need there is definitely scope for change.
The most powerful tool I have at my disposal is reframing. As a Life Coach I’ll use this method with many of my clients and I’ve been rewarded with some amazing results. When you next get that feeling of ‘my colleague is stressing me out’ write it down, then look at the reasons why? Are they really stressing you or is your attitude towards them causing the stress? Be non-judgmental, look at the relationship from afar. Ask yourself, am I stressing out my colleague and how do I react to them in this state? You may have been a little curt of late, disagreeable, distant maybe.
When the rhythm changes, we develop a renewed dynamic, crush the negativity by reframing scenarios, create your own reality.